Last Edited: January 24th, 2022
- "On-the-Job Search in a Matching Model of Heterogeneous Jobs and Workers"(with M. Jansen and J.F. Jimeno), The Economic Journal, 2009.
- "Are men and women-economists evenly distributed across research fields ?. Some new empirical evidence" (with F. Felgueroso and M.Almunia). SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2012.
- "Which Factors Determine Academic Performance of Economics Freshers ?: Some Spanish Evidence "(with E.Morales), Investigaciones Economicas, 2009.
- "Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve?: Some Evidence for Spain" (with S. Bentolila and JF Jimeno), European Economic Review, 2008 .
- "On gender gaps and self-fulfilling expectations:An alternative approach based on of paid-for-training " (with S. de la Rica and C. García-Peñalosa). Economic Inquiry, 2013
- Occupational Mismatch and Moonlighting Among Spanish Physicians: Do Couples Matter?" (with F. Felgueroso)
- "Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview
of New Results" (with J. Gonzalo and L. Mayoral), The Methodology and Practice of Econometrics ( A Festschrift in Honour of Sir David F. Hendry) ( J. Castle and N. Shepard, eds.) OUP, 2009. - "Does dual employment protection affect TFP ?: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing firms" (with S. Ortigueira R. Stucchi). (Cited in The Economist: ) SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2016
- "Two-tier employment protection reforms: The Spanish experience" , (with S. Bentolila and J.F. Jimeno), CESifo-DICE Report, Journal for Institutional Comparisons, 2008.
- "Gender gaps in performance pay. New evidence from Spanish workers" (with S. de la Rica and R. Vegas) Annals of Economics & Statistics, 2016.
- "Two-tier labor markets in the Great Recession: France vs.Spain" (with S.Bentolila, P. Cahuc and T. Le Barbanchon), The Economic Journal, 2012.
- "Detecting Big Structural Breaks in Large Factor Models" (with L. Chen and J. Gonzalo). Journal of Econometrics, 2014.
- "The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Women´s Labour Market Outcomes" (with B. Anghel and S. de la Rica).
- "Reforming and insider-outsider labor market: The Spanish experience" (with S. Bentolila and JF Jimeno). IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2013.
- "The effects of global shocks on small commodity-exporting economies: Lessons from Canada" (with V. Charnavoki) American Economic Journal- Macroeconomics, 2014.
- "Youth Labour Market Performance in Spain and its Determinants. A Micro-level Perspective" (OCDE WP). (with F. Felgueroso and M. Jansen).
- "Spanish youth unemployment: A déjà vu" ( with F. Felgueroso and M Jansen). Intereconomics, 2016.
- "Dual Labour Markets and (Lack of) On-The-Job Training: PIAAC Evidence from Spain and Other EU Countries" (with A. Cabrales and R. Mora) SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2017.
- "From Dual to Unified Employment Protection: Transition and Steady State" (with E. Lalé and N. Siassi). Quantitative Economics, 2021.
- "LM tests for joint breaks in the dymamics and level of a long-memory time series" (+ Online Appendix) (with H. Rachinger and C. Velasco) Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2022.
- "EU Dual Labour Markets: Consequences and Potential Reforms" Chapter 2 in Economics Without Borders (Blundell, R. et al.,eds.) CUP, 2017.
- "The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into Employment: Europe over the Great Recession" (with C. García-Peñalosa and L. Tarasonis) Economic Policy, 2020.
- "Monetary Policy and Inequality under Labor Market Frictions and Capital-Skill Complementarity" (with G. Motyovszki and E. Pappa), American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics, 2021.
- "Quantile Factor Models" (with L. Chen and J. Gonzalo). Econometrica, 2021
- "Dual Labour Markets Revisited” (with S. Bentolila and JF. Jimeno), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2020.
- "Zero-Hours Contracts in a Frictional Labor Market" (with E. Lalé and H, Turon)
- "Estimation of Characteristics-based Quantile Factor Models" (with L. Chen, J. Gonzalo and H. Pan)
- "Revisiting the Public-Private Wage Gap in Spain: New Evidence and Interpretation", (with A. Couceiro de León) SERIEs, 2023 (Special Issue in Honour of Manuel Arellano)
- "Heterogeneous Predictive Association of CO2 with Global Warming" (with L. Chen, J. Gonzalo and A. Ramos), Economica (100 Anniversary Issue)
- "Labor Reallocation Effects of Furlough Schemes: Evidence from Two recessions in Spain " (with A. Díaz, A. Jañez and F. Wellschmied), Forthcoming European Economic Review, 2025
- "Uncovering the Roots of Obesity-based Wage Discrimination: The Role of Job Characteristics" (with L. Minale and A. Guerra), Labour Economics, 2023
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