Last Edited: April 1st, 2007


  • Ph.D. in Economics: University of Oxford, 1988.
  • M. Sc. In Math. Econ: London School of Economics, 1981.
  • Diploma in Mathematics: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1979.
  • B.A. in Economics: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1977.

  • Labor Economics.
  • Applied Macroeconomics.
  • Econometric Theory.


1. (Second) Prize Vanguardia de la Ciencia 2011 for the most influential article in all scientific disciplines published by authors affiliated to Spanish research institutions.

2.  Premio Jaime I 2015 for highly significant work in Economics.

3. Special Issue of SERIEs-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (2022, issues 1-2) in Honour of Juan J. Dolado 


  1. J. Dolado. Procedimientos de Búsqueda de Especificación Dinámica: El Caso de la Demanda de M3 en España. Banco de España, Estudios Económicos nº 27 (1982).
  2. A. Banerjee, J. Dolado, J. Galbraith, and D. Hendry. Cointegration, Error Correction and the Econometric Analysis of Nonstationary Series. Oxford University Press (1993).
  3. J. Dolado, C. Martin and L-Rodriguez-Romero (Eds). La Industria y el Comportamiento de las Empresas en España (Ensayos en Homenaje a Gonzalo Mato). Alianza Editorial 1993.
  4. J. Dolado and J F Jimeno (Eds). Estudios sobre el Mercado de Trabajo en España. FEDEA . 1995.
  5. G. Alogoskoufis, C. Bean, G. Bertola, D. Cohen, J. Dolado and G. Saint-Paul Unemployment: Choices for Europe. CEPR (Monitoring European Integration 5) (1995).
  6. C. Bean, S. Bentolila, G. Bertola and J. Dolado. Social Europe: One for All?. CEPR (Monitoring European Integration 8) (1998).
  7. J.Dolado, D. Gros and J. F. Jimeno. La UEM y el Mercado de Trabajo en España: costes y beneficios. Fundación Repsol, (1998).
  8. J. Dolado and P. Vazquez. Ensayos sobre los Efectos Económicos de la Inmigración en España. Monografía FEDEA (2007).
  9. S. Bentolila, M. Boldrin, J. Díaz-Giménez and J. Dolado. La Crisis de la Economía Española. Análisis Económico de la Gran Recesión. Monografía FEDEA (2010).
  10. I. Sánchez de Madariaga, S. de la Rica and J. Dolado (Eds.). Libro Blanco sobre la Situación de la Mujer en la Ciencia Española. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Madrid (2011).
  11. J. Dolado (ed.) No Country for Young People?. Youth Labour Market Problems in Europe. VoxEU (e-book), CEPR London (2015)

    Policy Reports
  1. Boeri, T., H Brücker et al. (2001) "The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on Employment and the Labour Markets in the EU Member States" Brussels: European Commission.
  2. Boeri, T. et al. (2002) " Who´s Afraid of the Big Enlargement" CEPR Policy Paper No. 7. London.
  3. Dolado, J. and J.F. Jimeno (2004), "Contratacion Temporal y Costes de Despido: Lecciones para el Futuro desde la Perspectiva del Pasado". Fundacion Alternativas. Informe 48/2004.
  4. Alonso- Borrego, C., Arellano, A., Dolado, J. and J.F. Jimeno, (2004) "Eficacia del Gasto en algunas Políticas Activas en el Mercado Laboral Español". Fundación Alternativas. Informe 53/2004.

     Chapters in Collective Volumes
  1. "Una Valoración Crítica sobre las Estimaciones Econométricas Disponibles de la Relación entre los Precios Relativos y el Empleo en la Economía Española." Chapter 15 in Estudios de Economía del Trabajo en España: El Problema del Paro ed. S. Bentolila and L. Toharia,Mº de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. pp 675-710.
  2. "Análisis y Determinación de la Tasa de Paro de Equilibrio." Chapter 2 in El Mercado de Trabajo Español: Reforma y Creación de Empleo. Círculo de Empresarios (ed.).
  3. "The Influence of Demand and Capital Constraints on Spanish Unemployment", Chapter 10 in Europe's Employment Problem MIT Press 1990 ed. by J. Dreze and C. Bean (con J. Andrés, C. Molinas, M. Sebastian y A. Zabalza).
  4. "Mismatch and Regional Labour Mobility: The Case of Spain" (with S. Bentolila) (chapter 5 in Padoa Schioppa F. and G. Toniolo (eds) Mismatch and Labour Mobilility, Cambridge University Press y CEPR, London,(1990)).
  5. "Macroeconomic Policy, External Targets and Constraints: The Case of Spain" (with J. Viñals) (Chapter 10 in Alogoskoufis, G., Papademos, L. and R. Portes (eds) External Constraints on Macroeconomic Policy: The European Experience, Cambridge University Press 1991).
  6. "A Cost Benefit Analysis of Going from Low Inflation to Price Stability in Spain", Chapter 3 in Feldstein M. (ed.) The Costs and Benefits of Price Stability, The University of Chicago Press, 1999 (with J. M. González Páramo y J. Viñals).
  7. "The Effects of Minimum Wages: New Evidence from Spain", Chapter 7 in Bazen, S. and M. Gregory (eds) Low-Wage Employment in Europe, Edward Elgar, 1999.(joint with F. Felgueroso and J.F. Jimeno).
  8. "The Fall in Consuption from Being Unemployed in Portugal and Spain", Chapter 5 in Blanchard, O. and V. Gaspar(eds) The Portuguese Labour Market from an International Perpective, MIT Press, 2000.(joint with S. Castillo and J.F. Jimeno)
  9. "A Tale of Two Neighbour Economies: Labor Market Dymanics in Spain and Portugal", Chapter 6 in Blanchard, O. and V. Gaspar(eds) The Portuguese Labour Market from an International Perpective, MIT Press, 2000.(Joint with S. Castillo and J.F. Jimeno)
  10. "Cointegration", Chapter 30,Baltagi, B. (ed) Companion in Econometric Theory, Basil Blackwell pp. 634-654 (with J. Gonzalo and F. Mármol).
  11. "Los Nuevos Fenómenos Migratorios: Retos y Políticas", chapter 2 in García-Milá, T. (ed) Nuevas Fronteras de la Política Económica (2001), CREI (UPR) and Generalitat de Cataluña.
  12. "Recent Trends in Occupational Segregation by Gender: A Look Across the Atlantic", chapter 4 in Argandoña, A. and J. Gual (eds.) The Social Dimensions of Employment: Institutions, Reforms and Labour Markets, 2002, 81-106, Edward Elgar (with F. Felgueroso and Juan F. Jimeno).
  13. " El Papel de la Mujer en el Mercado de Trabajo: Un Balance a Ambos Lados del Atlantico", in Perez, J., Sebastian, C. y P. Tedde de Lorca (eds.), Políticas, Mercados e Instituciones Económicas: Estudios en Homenaje a Luis Angel Rojo, 2004, 295-325 Ed. Universidad Complutense.
  14. “ State Asymmetries in the Effects of Monetary- Policy Shocks on Output: Some New Evidence for the Euro-area” (with R. María-Dolores), Ch. 12 in Milas, C., Rothman, P. and D. van Dijk (eds.) Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of the Business Cycle (2005), Elsevier.
  15. " On the Effects of Targeted Employment Policies" (with M. Jansen and J.F. Jimeno), Ch. 3 in Restrepo, J.E and A. Tokman (eds.) Labor Market and Institutions (2005), Central Bank of Chile, Series on on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies, 8.
  16. " Challenges for Labour Markets in the New Europe" in Wasmer, E. et al. (eds.) What Determines Labour Supply ?. Edward Elgar, European Central Bank.
  17. “Balance del mercado laboral en la Comunidad de Madrid a la luz de los objetivos de la Agenda de Lisboa” ( con F. Felgueroso) en García Delgado, J.L. (Dir.) Estructura Económica de la Comunidad de Madrid, tercera edición, Civitas-Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, 2007.
  18. " Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results" (with J. Gonzalo and L. Mayoral), Ch. 12 (pp. 300-321), in J. Castle and N. Shephard (eds.) Festchrift in Honour in David. F. Hendry (2009), OUP.
  19. "Diferencias de Género y Temporalidad: El caso de los Profesionales Superiores en el Sector Sanitario en España" (con F. Felgueroso), Cap. 3 (pp. 97-133) en P. Vázquez (Ed.) La Feminización de las Profesiones Sanitarias, (2010) Fundación BBVA.
  20. " Ajuste Ocupacional y Pluriempleo de los Médicos: ¿ Importan las Parejas ?" (con F. Felgueroso), Cap. 6 (pp. 199-251) en Vázquez, P. (Ed.) La Feminización de las Profesiones Sanitarias, (2010) Fundación BBVA.
  21. " Disfunciones en el Sistema Universitario Español: Diagnostico y Propuestas de Reformas", Cap. 1 (pp 13-27) en D. Peña Propuestas para la Reforma de la Universidad Española (2010) Fundacion Alternativas.
  22. " Remuneración por Rendimiento y y Diferencial Salarial de Género en España", Cap. 5 (pp. 231-270) en A. Cabrales y M. Celentani (Eds.) Talento, Esfuerzo y Movilidad Social , Monografía FEDEA (2010).
  23. " European Unión Dual Labour Markets: Consequences and Potential Reforms" Ch. 2 in R. Blundell et al. (Eds) Economics Without Borders. Economic Research for European Policy Channels. Cambridge University Press (2017)
  24. " Economía Laboral y Big Data: Panorámica sobre Técnicas de Regularización en la Evaluación de Efectos Causales", Capítulo 2 en D.Peña, P. Poncela y E. Ruiz (Eds.) Análisis Econométrico y Big Data, FUNCAS (2021)
   Articles in Journals

     I. (in Spanish)

  1. "La Balanza de Pagos de España durante la Autarquía". Información Comercial Española (1976) pp 53-86 (with R. Repullo , S. Chamorro, and R. Comendador).
  2. "Equivalencia de los Tests del Multiplicador de Lagrange y F de Exclusión de Parámetros en el caso de Contrastación de Perturbaciones Heterocedásticas". Investigaciones Económicas (1982) no. 19 pp 113-125.
  3. "Contrastación de Hipótesis no Anidadas en el caso de la Demanda de Dinero en España". Cuadernos Económicos de ICE (1983) vol 24, pp. 119-139.
  4. "Modelización de la Demanda de Efectivo en España (1967-1980)". Revista Española de Economía (1983) pp 47-68.
  5. "Estimación de un Modelo Monetario del Tipo de Cambio Peseta/Dolar". Información Comercial Española (1983) pp 95-109 (with J. Durán).
  6. "Neutralidad Monetaria y Expectativas Racionales: Alguna Evidencia en el Caso de España". Revista Española de Economía vol 1, pp 77-98 (1984).
  7. "Respuestas en el Deflactor del Valor Añadido en la Industria ante variaciones en los Costes Laborales Unitarios". Investigaciones Económicas (1985) vol 10 pp 163-172 (with J.L. Malo and E. Ortega).
  8. "La Estabilidad de la Demanda de Dinero en España". Boletín Económico (1986) pp 40-49 Banco de España.
  9. "Desempleo y Rigidez del Mercado de Trabajo en España". Boletín Económico (1986). Banco de España (con J.L. Malo).
  10. "Algunos Factores Explicativos del Paro en la Industria". Papeles de Economía (1986) vol 26, pp 158-179 (with J.L. Malo and A. Zabalza).
  11. "Costes Variables de Ajuste en Funciones de Empleo a Corto Plazo". Investigaciones Económicas vol 11 pp 76-88 (1986).
  12. "Innovación Financiera y Estabilidad de la Demana de ALP". Boletín Económico (1988) pp 19-36 Banco de España.
  13. "Cointegración: Una panorámica". Estadística Española (1990) vol 32, pp 327-388.
  14. "Inferencia en Modelos Dinámicos Uniecuacionales con Variables Integradas". Cuadernos Económicos de ICE (1990) vol 44, pp 147-172 (with J. Andrés and R. Domenech).
  15. "La Demanda de Dinero en España: Definiciones Amplias de Liquidez" (with J.L. Escrivá). Moneda y Crédito (1992) vol. 195, pp 69-99.
  16. "Eficiencia en el Mercado a Plazo de la Peseta" (with J. Ayuso and S. Sosvilla Rivero). Revista Española de Economía (1992), vol. 9, pp. 111-134.
  17. "El Déficit Exterior Español: Sostenibilidad y Objetivo en el Proceso de Transición a la Unión Económica y Monetaria" (with J. Viñals). Papeles de Economía Española, (1992) vol. 52/53, pp. 332-352.
  18. "Inflación, Paro y la Restricción de Oferta en la Economía Española" (with A.R. de Lamo). Boletín Económico, 1992 Banco de España, pp. 31-36.
  19. "Un Modelo del Mercado de Trabajo y la Restricción de Oferta en la Economía Española" (with A.R. de Lamo). Investigaciones Económicas (1993), vol. 17, pp. 87-118.
  20. "La Contratación Temporal y la Formación de Salarios en las Empresas Manufactureras en España" (with S. Bentolila). Boletín Económico, 1992. Bank of Spain, pp. 12-19.
  21. "La Contratación Temporal y sus Efectos sobre la Competitividad" (with S. Bentolila). Papeles de Economía Española (1993) vol. 56, pp. 112-131.
  22. "Convergencia Económica entre las Provincias Españolas: Evidencia Empírica" (with J.M. González-Páramo and J.M. Roldán). Moneda y Crédito (1994), vol. 198, pp. 81-131.
  23. "Explicaciones de la Recesión en Europa: Un Enfoque de VAR Estructural" (with J. C. Sicilia). Cuadernos Económicos del ICE, vol. 59, pp. 203-230.
  24. "Creación y Destrucción de Empleo en el Sector Privado Manufacturero Español: Un Análisis Descriptivo" (with R. Gómez). Investigaciones Económicas (1995), vol. 19, pp. 371-94.
  25. "Histeresis y Fluctuaciones Económicas: España, 1970-92" (with J.D. López-Salido). Moneda y Crédito (1996) vol 201, pp. 117-155.
  26. "Los Efectos del Salario Mínimo: Evidencia para el Caso Español" (with F. Felguroso). Moneda y Crédito (1997), vol. 204, pp. 213-263.
  27. "Creación y Destrucción de Empleo: Una Panorámica con Nuevos Resultados para España" (with R. Gómez and C. García Serrano). Papeles de Economía Española (1997), vol. 72, pp. 138-154.
  28. "Políticas de Empleo: Nuevo Gobierno, Viejos Problemas" (with J.F. Jimeno). Economistas (1997) vol 74, pp. 273-284.
  29. "La Relación entre Vacantes y Desempleo en España: Perturbaciones Agregadas y de Reasignación" (with R. Gómez). Investigaciones Económicas (1997), vol 21, pp 441-472.
  30. "Los Efectos de la Inmigración sobre la Demanda Relativa de Trabajo Cualificado, vs. Poco Cualificado: Evidencia para España" (with J.F. Jimeno and R. Duce). Cuadernos Económicos del ICE (1998),vol 63, pp11-30.
  31. "El Futuro del Mercado Laboral en España a la Luz del Pasado". Situacion, (1999), vol 2., 81-89.
  32. "Los Problemas del Mercado de Trabajo Juvenil en España: Empleo, Formación y Salarios Minimos" (with F. Felgueroso and JF Jimeno) Ekonomiaz (2000), 43, 136-157.
  33. "El Futuro del Sistema de Pensiones en la Unión Europea: Una Reconsideración" (with M. Boldrin, JF Jimeno and F. Peracchi). Cuadernos Económicos de ICE(2000),65, 237-282.
  34. "La Inserción Laboral de los Titulados Universitarios en España" (with F.Felgueroso and JF Jimeno). Papeles de Economía Española (2000), 86, 78-98.
  35. "El Mercado Laboral y las Políticas de Empleo en el inicio del siglo XXI" (with F.Felgueroso and J.F. Jimeno). Moneda y Crédito (2001), 212, 211-264.
  36. “Balance del Mercado Laboral en la CM a la luz de los Objetivos de la Agenda de Lisboa: Limitaciones a la Convergencia con las Regiones Europeas más Avanzadas” (with F. Felgueroso), Economistas, Balance 2007 .
  37. "El Conflicto entre la Demanda de Flexibilidad Laboral y la Resistencia a la Reforma del Mercado de Trabajo en España" (with F. Felgueroso and M. Jansen), Papeles de Economía Española (2010).
  38. "El Elefante en la Habitación: Dualidad y Costes de Despido en España" Labos-Revista de Derecho del Trabajo y Protección Social (2021), 2(2), 134-140.
     II. (in English)
  1. "Spanish Industrial Unemployment: Some Explanatory Factors". Economica (1986), vol. 53 pp 313-334 (with J.L. Malo de Molina and A. Zabalza).
  2. "Exploring Equilibrium Relationships in Econometrics through Static Models: Some Monte-Carlo Evidence". Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, (1986) vol. 48 pp 253-277 (with A. Banerjee, D. Hendry and G. Smith).
  3. "An Expectational Model of Labour Demand in Spanish Industry: An Encompassing Approach". European Economic Review (1987), vol. 31 pp 218-244 (with J.L. Malo de Molina).
  4. "Do We Reject Rational Expectations Models Too Often?: Interpreting Evidence Using Nagar Expansions". Economics Letters (1987) vol. 24, pp 27-32 (with A. Banerjee).
  5. "Rejections of Orthogonality in Rational Expectations Models: Further Monte-Carlo Results for an Extanded Set of Regressors". Economics Letters, (1988) vol. 25 pp 243-247 (with A. Banerjee and J. Galbraith).
  6. "Tests of the Life Cycle - Permanent Income Hypothesis in the Presence of Random Walks: Asymptotic Theory and Small Sample Interpretations". Oxford Economic Papers (1988) vol. 40 pp 610-633 (with A. Banerjee).
  7. "Intertemporal Rules with Variable Speed of Adjustment: An Application to U.K. Manufacturing Employment". Economic Journal 1989 vol. 99 pp 347-365 (with S. Burgess).
  8. "A Misspecified Model: A solution". Econometric Theory (1988) vol. 4 pp. 360-363.
  9. "Asymptotic Properties of OLS and GLS". Econometric Theory (1989) vol 5 pp 177-180.
  10. "Optimal Instrumental Variable Estimator of the AR Parameter of an ARMA (1,1)". Econometric Theory (1990) vol. 6 pp 117-119.
  11. "Orthogonality Test with Detrended Data: Interpreting Monte Carlo Results Using Nagar Expansion". Economics Letters (1990) vol. 32 pp 19-24 (with A. Banerjee and J.W. Galbraith).
  12. "The Asymptotic Distribution of the Iterated Gauss-Newton Estimators of an ARIMA Process". Econometric Theory (1990), vol 6, pp 490-494 (with J. Hidalgo).
  13. "Dynamic Specification with the General Error Correction Form". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 1990, vol. 32 pp 95-104 (with A. Banerjee and J.W. Galbraith).
  14. "Recursive and Sequential Tests for Unit Roots in Long Annual GNP Series" 1990 vol. 32, pp. 231-237 Economics Letters (1991) (with A. Banerjee and J.W. Galbraith).
  15. "Cointegration and Unit Roots", in Journal of Economic Surveys (1990) vol. 4 pp 249-273 (with T. Jenkinson and S. Sosvilla-Rivero).
  16. "Estimating Intertemporal Quadratic Adjustment Cost Models with Integrated Series" (with A. Banerjee and J.W. Galbraith). International Economic Review (1991) vol. 32, pp. 919-936.
  17. "The Power of Cointegration Tests" (with N.R. Ericsson and J.J.M. Kremers). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1992) vol. 54, pp 325-348.
  18. "A Note on Weak Exogeneity in VAR Cointegrated Models". Economics Letters 38 (1992) pp. 139-143.
  19. "Convergence to a Stochastic Integral". Econometric Theory 8 (1992), pp. 148-150.
  20. "Optimal Structural Estimation of Triangular Systems: The Non-stationary Case". Econometric Theory 7 (1991), pp. 549-558 (with H.P. Boswijk and P.C.B. Phillips).
  21. "Asymptotic Distribution Theory for Econometric Estimation with Integrated Processes: A Guide". Revista Española de Economía, (1993) vol. 10, pp. 1-23.
  22. "Delegation in International Monetary Policy Games" (with M. Griffiths and J. Padilla). European Economic Review (1994), vol. 38, pp. 1057-69.
  23. "Cyclical Patterns of the Spanish Economy" (with M. Sebastián and J. Vallés). Investigaciones Económicas (1993) vol. 17, pp. 445-473.
  24. "Comparison of GLS and OLS for the Linear Regression Model con Non-Invertible MA(1) Disturbances" (with L. Alvárez). Econometric Theory (1993), vol. 9, pp. 694-97.
  25. "The Growth Effects of Migration in the Host Country" (with A. Ichino and A. Goria). Journal of Population Economics (1994), vol. 7, pp. 193-215.
  26. "Labour Flexibility and Wages: Lessons from Spain" (with S. Bentolila). Economic Policy (1994), vol. 18, pp. 55-99.
  27. "Deriving Restricted Least Squares without a Lagrangean Solution" (with L. Alvarez). Econometric Theory (1994), vol. 10, pp. 443-49.
  28. "Derivation of the Fully Modified Estimator: A Problem". Econometric Theory, (1995), 5, pp. 796.
  29. "Making Wald Tests Work for Cointegrated Systems" (with H. Lutkepohl). Econometrics Reviews, (1996), 15, pp. 369-386.
  30. "The Economic Impact of Minimum Wages in Europe" (with F. Kramarz, A. Manning, S. Machin and C. Teulings). Economic Policy (1996), 23, pp. 317-373.
  31. "Wage Bargaining in Industries con Market Power" (with S. Bentolila and J. Padilla). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (1996), 5, pp. 535-564.
  32. "Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Wage Dispersion: The Spanish Case" (with F. Felgueroso and J.F. Jimeno). European Economic Review, (1977), 41, 713-725 .
  33. "Error-Correction Mechanism Tests in a Single-Equation Framework" (with A. Banerjee and R. Mestre). Journal of Time Series Analysis (1998), vol 19, 267-285.
  34. "The Causes of Spanish Unemployment: A Structural VAR Approach" (with J.F. Jimeno). European Economic Review (1997), vol. 41, pp. 1281-1307.
  35. "On the Power of the Dickey-Pantula Test against Fractional Alternatives" (with F. Marmol). Economics Letters (1997), 57, pp. 11-17.
  36. "The Dynamic Effects of Shocks to Labour Markets: Evidence from OECD Countries" (with M. Balmaseda and D. López Salido). Oxford Economic Papers (2000) vol 53, 2-23.
  37. "The Future of European Pension Systems" (with M. Boldrin, J. F. Jimeno and F. Peracchi). Economic Policy (1999) vol 29, 289-320.
  38. "An Empirical Study of the Cyclical Effects of Monetary Policy in Spain (1977-97)" (with R. María-Dolores). Investigaciones Económicas (2000) 25, 3-30.
  39. "Youth Labour Markets in Spain: Education, Training and Crowding-Out" (with F. Felgueroso and J.F. Jimeno). European Economic Review (2000) vol 44, 943-958.
  40. "Unemployment and Inflation Persistence in Spain: Are There Phillips Trade-Offs?" (with J.D. López-Salido and J.L. Vega). Spanish Economic Review (2000) vol. 2 267-291.
  41. "The Role of the Minimum Wage in the Welfare State : An Appraisal" (with F. Felgueroso and JF Jimeno). Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, (2000)136,1-33.
  42. "Female Employment and Occupational Changes in the 1990s: How is the EU Performing Relative to the US?" (with F. Felgueroso and JF Jimeno). European Economic Review (2001) 45, 875-889.
  43. "Drawing Lessons from the Boom of Temporary Jobs in Spain" (with C. García-Serrano and J.F. Jimeno). The Economic Journal (2002), 112, 270-295.
  44. "Symposium on Temporary Jobs: Introduction" ,(with A. Booth and J. Frank), The Economic Journal (2002), 112, 181-188.
  45. "Evaluating Changes in the Bank of Spain´s Interventions: An Alternative Approach Using Marked Point Processes" (with R. Maria-Dolores). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2002) 64, 159-82.
  46. "A Fractional Dickey-Fuller Test for Unit Roots" (with J. Gonzalo and L. Mayoral). Econometrica (2002), 70, 1963-2006.
  47. "Long Range Dependence in Spanish Political Opinion Poll Series" (with J. Gonzalo and L. Mayoral). Journal of Applied Econometrics (2002),18, 137-155.
  48. "Where Do Women Work?: Analysis Patterns of Occupational Segregation by Gender" (with F. Felgueroso and J.F. Jimeno). Annales d´Economie et de Statistique (Special Issue on Discrimination and Unequal Outcomes) (2004), 71-72, 293-315.
  49. "Publishing Performance in Economics: Spanish Rankings (1990-1999)" (with A. García-Romero and G. Zamarro). Spanish Economic Review (2003), 5, 85-100.
  50. "Nonlinear Monetary Policy Rules: Some New Evidence for the U.S " (with R. María-Dolores and F. Ruge-Murcia). Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (2004), 8 (3), 1-32.
  51. "Asymptotic Inference Results for Multivariate Long Memory Processes" (with F. Marmol). The Econometrics Journal (2004), 7, 168-190.
  52. " Are Monetary- Policy Reaction Functions Asymmetric ?: The Role of Nonlinearity in the Phillips Curve" (with R. María-Dolores and M. Naveira) . European Economic Review, (2005), 49, 485-503.
  53. " Ceilings or Floors ?: Gender Wage Gaps by Education in Spain" (with S. de la Rica and V. Llorens). Journal of Population Economics (2008) , 21, 751-776.
  54. " A Positive Analysis of Targeted Employment Protection Legislation" (with M. Jansen and J.F. Jimeno). The BE Journal of Macroeconomics (2007), Art. 14, vol. 7: Issue (1), Topics.
  55. " Wald Tests of I(1) Against I(d) Alternatives: Some New Properties and an Extension to Processes with Trending Components" (with J. Gonzalo and L. Mayoral). Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (2008), Art. 1., vol. 12 : Issue (4).
  56. " Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve ?. Some Evidence for Spain" (with S. Bentolila and J.F. Jimeno). European Economic Review (2008), 52, 1398-1423.
  57. " Two-tier Employment Protection Reforms: The Spanish Experience" (with S. Bentolila and J.F. Jimeno). CES-Ifo-DICE, Journal for International Comparisons (2008), 6, 49-56.
  58. " On- the-Job Search in a Matching Model with Heterogeneous Jobs and Workers" (with M. Jansen and J.F. Jimeno). The Economic Journal, (2009) 119, 200-228.
  59. " Which Factors Determine Academic Performance of Economics Freshers ?: Some Spanish Evidence" (with E. Morales). Investigaciones Económicas (2009), 23, 179-210.
  60. " Are Men and Women-Economists Equally Distributed Across Fields?. Some New Empirical Evidence" (with F. Felgueroso and M. Almunia), SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association,(2012), 3, 367-393.
  61. " Two-tier Labour Markets in the Great Recession. France vs. Spain" (with S. Bentolila, P. Cahuc and T. Le Barbanchon), The Economic Journal (2012), 122, 155-187.
  62. " The New New Labour Market Reform in Spain: Objectives, Instruments and Shortcomings" (with S. Bentolila and J.F. Jimeno) CES-Ifo-DICE, Journal for International Comparisons (2012), 10, 3-8.
  63. " Reforming an Insider-Outsider Labour Market: The Spanish Experience (with S. Bantolila and J.F. Jimeno, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies (2012),1: (4)..
  64. " On Gender Gaps and Self-fulfilling Expectations: An Alternative Approach Based on Paid-for-Training (with C. García-Peñalosa and S. de la Rica), Economic Inquiry (2013), 51, 1829-48.  
  65. "The Effects of Global Shocks on Small Commodity-Exporting Economies. Lessons from Canada” (with V. Charnavoki),  American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics (2014), 6(2), 207-237.
  66. "Detecting Big Structural Breaks in Large Factor Models" (with L. Chen and J. Gonzalo),  in Journal of Econometrics (2014), 180, 30-48.
  67. " Performance  Pay and the Gerder Wage Gap: Evidence from Spain" (with S. de la Rica and R. Vega),  Annales d´Economie et de Statistique (Special Issue on Gender Economics) (2015) 117/118, 1-20. 
  68. "Does Dual Employment Protection Affect TFP?: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms" (with S. Ortigueira and R. Stucchi) SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (2016), 7, 421-459.
  69. " Dual Employment Protection and (lack of) On-theJob Training: PIAAC Evidence for Spain and other European countries" (with A. Cabrales and R. Mora), SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (2017), 8, 345-371.
  70. " Dual Labour Markets Revisited" (with S. Bentolila and JF Jimeno) Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2020), Feb issue.
  71. " From Dual to Unified Employment Protection: Transition and Steady State" (with E. Lalé and N. Siassi) Quantitative Economics (2021), 12 (2), 547-585.
  72. " The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into the Labour Market: Europe over the Great Recession" (with C. Garcia-Peñalosa and L. Tarasonis)  Economic Policy (2020), 104, 637-676. 
  73. " Monetary Policy and Inequality under Labor Market Frictions and Capital-Skill Complementarity" (with G. Motyovszki and E. Pappa) American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics (2021), 13(2), 292-332.
  74. " Quantile Factor Models" (with L. Chen and J. Gonzalo) Econometrica (2021), 89, 875-910.
  75. " Past, Present and Future of the Spanish Labour Market: When the Pandemic Meets Megatrends" (with F. Felgueroso and JF Jimeno) Applied Economic Analysis (2021), 29 (85), 21-41.
  76. " LM Tests for Joint Breaks in the Dynamics and Level of a Long-Memory Time Series" (with H. Rachinger and C. Velasco) Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2022), 40(2), 629-650.
  77. " Revisiting the Public-Private Wage Gap in Spain: New Evidence and Interpretation" (with A. Couceiro de León), SERIEs (2023) Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 14 (3-4),  353-377 (Special Issue in Honour of Manuel Arellano),.
  78. "Heterogeneous the Predictive Association of CO2 with  Global Warming" (with L. Chen, J. Gonzalo and A. Ramos), Economica  (2023), 90 (360), 1397-1421, (100 Anniversary Special Issue).
  79. " Uncovering the Roots of Obesity-based Wage Discrimination: The Role of Job Characteristics" (with L. Minale and A. Guerra),  Labour Economics (2023), 85, 102425.
  80.  " Labor Reallocation Effects of Furlough Schemes: Evidence from Two Recessions in Spain" (with A. Díaz, A. Jañez and F. Wellschmied), Forthcoming European Economic Review.

    Short Articles
  1. Comment on "La Inversión Productiva en España: Un Enfoque Macroeconómico". Moneda y Crédito (1988) vol. 196, pp. 154-58.
  2. Comment on "Intertemporal Consumer Behaviour and Structural Changes in Income" Econometrics Review (1989) vol. 8 pp 101-110 (with A. Maravall).
  3. Comment on "Corporatism Run Amok" Economic Policy (1993) vol, 17. pp. 390-392.
  4. Comment on "Infrastructure and Education as Instruments of Regional Policy, Evidence from Spain" Economic Policy, vol. 20, pp. 140-143.
  5. Comment on "Public Finance Solutions to the European Unemploment Problem;" Economic Policy, (1997) vol 25, pp. 254-257.
  6. Comment on "An Analysis of Firing Costs and their Implications for Unemployment Policy" in Snower, D. and G. de la Dehesa (eds) "Unemployment Policy: Government Options for the Labour Market" (1996), Cambridge University Press.
  7. Comment on "Institutions and the workings of the Labour Market" in The World Bank (ed.) Governance, Equity and Global Markets (2000), Paris.
  8. Comment on " The Macroeconomics of Education" , Part I in Brunello, G., Garibaldi, P. and Wasmer, E. (eds) Education and Training in Europe (2007), Oxford University Press.
  9. Comentario a: Las Diferentes Explicaciones del Desempleo en España y sus Consecuencias para la Política de Empleo", 121-131 en J.F Jimeno y J.I. Pérez-Infante (eds.) El Mercado de Trabajo en la Obra de Luis Toharia, (2012), Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social.
  10. Comment on "Some Recent Theory for Autoregressive Count Time Series " Test  (2012), 21, 442-446. 
  11. " Spanish Youth Unemployment: Deja Vu", Intereconomics-Review of European Economic Policy (2013) , 48, 209-215. (with F. Felgueroso and M. Jansen).
  12. " Should Inequality be a Concern for Monetary Policy?, ECB Forum on Central Banking 2021, Conference Proceedings (2022), 247-255.

Ongoing Research

1. " Zero-Hour Contracts in a Frictional Labour Market" (with E. Lalé and H. Turon), Revise  & Resubmit The Economic Journal.
2. "Estimation of Characteristics-based Quantile Factor Models" (with L. Cheng, J. Gonzalo and H. Pan), Revise & Resubmit Journal of Econometrics.
3. "Riders on the Stormg Conditions in the Spanish Food Delivery
Sector" (with A. Jañez and F. Wellschmied).

5."The Surge of Very Short-tem Temporary Contracts: A Job Ladder Model and Empirical Evidence" (with S. Bentolila and J.F. Jimeno).


    Academic Appointments

  1. Research Fellow, CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research) 1992-
  2. Programme Director of Labour Economics, CEPR, 1998-2004.
  3. Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA).
  4. Fellow of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)
  5. Fellow of the International Association of Applied Economics (IAAE)
  6. Honorary Member of the Spanish Economic Association.
  7. Member of the Council of the European Economic Association, 1997-2001
  8. President of the Spanish Economic Association/Asociación Española de Economía, 2001.
  9. Miembro de Comité de Seguimiento del Banco Central Europeo, 2000.
  10. Presidente del Comité de Evaluación Externa de la Licenciatura de Economía en la Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona.
  11. Head of Dept. of Economics, Universidad Carlos III (1998-2001).
  12. Member of the Executive Council of the European Economic Association  (2005-2010).
  13. Member of the Award Committee of the Bernacer Prize (2003-2017).
  14. Founding Member of the Editorial Board of VOXEU.
  15. Member of the Scientific Committee of FEDEA (2010-2014).
  16. Member of the Executive Commiteee of the European Association of Labour Economists-EALE (2012-2016)
  17. Fellow of Academia Europeae (2021-)
    Visiting Positions
  1. Visiting Professor, CEPREMAP, Paris September-October 1988.
  2. Visiting Professor, ENSAE, Paris,October–November 1988.
  3. Visiting Professor, University of Bristol (U.K.) May 1990.
  4. Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Florence, Nov. 1990, May 1996.
  5. Visiting Professor, ENSAE Paris, January 1991.
  6. Visiting Professor, GREQUE Marseille, February 1992.
  7. Visiting Professor, Aarhus University, May 1992.
  8. Visiting Professor, IGIER Milán, October 1992.
  9. Visiting Professor, Bank of England, November 1993.
  10. Visiting Professor, Bank of Portugal, January 1993.
  11. Visiting Professor, University of Lausanne, January 1994.
  12. Visiting Professor, ECARE Brussels, May 1995.
  13. Visiting Professor, University Munich, October 1995.
  14. Visiting Professor, Birbeck College,Nov. 1995.
  15. Visiting Professor, UAB,Mayo 1997.
  16. Visiting Professor, Central Bank of Switzerland (Gerzensee) ,May, 1998-2010.
  17. Visiting Professor, University of Montreal, Feb, 2001. , May 2002, May 2005.
  18. Visiting Professor, IZA.Munich, Sep, 2001.
  19. Visiting Professor, University of McGill, Nov-2009.
  20. Visiting Professor, Bocconi Univ., Feb 2011.


  1. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Munich, (1989).
  2. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Lisbon (1990).
  3. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Cambridge (1991).
  4. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the European Economic Association, Cambridge (1991) and S. de Compostela (1999) and Bolzano (2000).
  5. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Brussels (1992).
  6. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Uppsala (1993).
  7. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Maastricht (1994).
  8. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Istanbul (1995).
  9. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Economic Association Annual Congress, Santiago de Compostela (1999).
  10. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Economic Association Annual Congress, Bolzano (2000).
  11. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Simposio de Análisis Económico, Barcelona, 1990-95, 1999.
  12. Member of the Programme Committee of the 11th World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tunisia 1995.
  13. Member of the Evaluating Committee of the Spanish Economic Research Council (CICYT) (1994, 1995).
  14. Member of the Council of the European Economic Association (Appointment 1996).
  15. Chairman of the 1996 EEA Summer School.
  16. Chairman of the Scientific Committe (Econometrics) of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Berlin, 1998.
  17. Chairman of the Scientific Committe of the European Summer Symposium on Labour Economics, Munich, 1999-2005.
  18. Scientific organiser of the Workshop on New Approaches to the Study of Business Cycle Fluctuations, Hydra, 2000.
  19. Member of Scientific Committee of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Venice, 2002.
  20. Co-Chair of Local Organizing Committee EEA-ESEM 2004, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  21. Co-chair of the Scientific Committe of the IV Workshop on The Economics of Education and Education Policies in Europe (EEEPE RTN Network), Madrid 2008.
  22. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Economic Association Annual Conference, Barcelona, 2009.
  23. Member of the Scientific Commitee of the European Economic Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, 2010.
  24. Member of the Scientific Commitee of the European Economic Association Annual Conference, Oslo, 2011.
  25. Member of the Scientific Commitee of the European Economic Association Annual Conference, Malaga, 2012.
  26. Member of the Scientific Commitee of the European Economic Association Annual Conference, Oslo, 2013.
  27. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium of Economic Analysis AEE, Barcelona, 2017.
  28. Member of the Scientific Commitee of the Annual Congress of the European Association of Labour Economists, 2014-2019.
  29. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium of Economic Analysis AEE, Madrid, 2018.
  30. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium of Economic Analysis AEE, Alicante , 2019.

Editorial Appointments

  1. Associate Editor Revista Española de Economía (1989-96).
  2. Co-Editor Spanish Economic Review (1996-2000).
  3. Managing Editor Spanish Economic Review (2001-2004).
  4. Member of the  Economic Policy Panel (1993-95).
  5. Editor Asociado Investigaciones Económicas (1998-2001).
  6. Co-editor Econometric Theory (1995-2000).
  7. Co- Editor European Economic Review (1998-2001).
  8. Associate Editor Bulletin of Economic Research (2000-2011).
  9. Co-Editor Labour Economics (2005-2013)
  10. Associate Editor IZA Journal of Labor Policy (2012--)
  11. Associate editor VoxEu (CEPR Economics Blog) (2010--)
  12. Associate  Editor Macroeconomic Dynamics (2014--)
  13. Editorial Board, Industrial and Labor Relation (ILR) Review (2015--)
  14. Associate Editor Labour Economics (2014-2018)

  1. Teaching Assistant (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Complutense 1977-78).
  2. Teaching Assistant in Statistical Methods in Econometrics (University of Oxford, 1985-1986).
  3. Lecturer in Economics (University of Oxford, 1987-1988).
  4. Visiting Professor (CEMFI, 1995-00).
  5. Senior Economist, Research Dept, Banco de España (1982-1985, 1988-1991).
  6. Chief-Economist, Economic Studies Division, Research Dept., Banco de España (1992-1996 ).
  7. Fellow, Institute of Economics and Statistics University of Oxford (1986-87).
  8. Member of the Comité de Seguimiento del Banco Central Europeo (2000-).
  9. Member of the Group of Policy Advisor of the President of EC, Romano Prodi (2002-).
  10. Member of the Group of Policy Advisors of the President of EC, Jose M. Barroso (2005-)
  11. Member of the Scientific Committee of ICREA (2007)
  12. Member of the Scientific Committee of IMDEA Ciencias Sociales (2007-)
  13. Member of the Scientific Committee of FEDEA (2007-)
  14. Consejero del Consejo Económico y Social, Grupo de Expertos (CES) (2005-09)
  15. Member of the Scientific Panel ERC Starting Grants (2017, 2019)
  16. Member of Evaluating Commitee Max Weber Programme (EUI) (2023)


    Research Projects
  1. "Impacto del Sistema de Seguridad Social sobre el Desarrollo Económico y el Empleo". Proyecto CICYT (Secretaría General del Plan de I+D). SEC 96-0738, 1996-98. Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  2. "New Approaches to the Study of Economic Fluctuations". EC Project TMR (ERB 4061 PL 97-0994), 1997-2000, Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  3. "Asimetría, Persistencia y Volatilidad Estocástica en el Análisis de Series Temporales". Proyecto DGESIC, 1999-2001 Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  4. "The Effects of Asymmetric Shocks in the European Union". Commission for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange between the United States of America and Spain (Project 7-42), 2000-2001.
  5. "La Economía de Internet: Efectos sobre el Crecimiento y el Bienestar Económico" Proyecto SEC2001-0890, 2001-2003.
  6. "New Techniques for the Evaluation of European Labour Market Policies" EC Project RTN (HPRN-CT-2000-00071), 2000-2003.
  7. "Inmigración, Mercado de Trabajo y Políticas de Inmigración en España" Fundación BBVA (2003-2005). Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  8. "Compartir Riesgos, Shocks asimétricos y Unión Monetaria Europea" Mª de Asuntos Exteriores, (2000-2001), D.G. de Asuntos Culturales y Científicos. Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  9. "Políticas Óptimas de Transferencias y Promoción de I+D para la Comunidad de Madrid" (2001-2003), CAM, Consejería de Educación. Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  10. "LA CAM y el Futuro de la UE: Promoción Industrial, Inversión Extranjera Directa y Transferencias Regionales", (2003-2004) , CAM D.G. Investigación. Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado
  11. " Consolidating Economics", MEC CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010. Vice-coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  12. " Closing the Circle", Research Excellence Programme, Bank of Spain. Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado
  13. " Dual Labour Markets", Cooperation on European Research in Economics (COEURE). Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  14. " Evaluating Policies in Spain during the Covid-19 and its Aftermath: The Role of DGSE Models with Heterogeneous Angents and Sectors" ( Fundación BBVA): Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.
  15. " La Economía Gig en España"  Spanish Ministry of Science and Inovation under grant 2021/00366/001 (Plan Estatal). Coordinator: Juan J. Dolado.

     Supervision of Ph. D. Theses
  1. Ramón Gómez-Salvador: "Un Modelo de Flujos del Mercado Laboral en España".t Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1997. 
  2. Florentino Felgueroso: "Ensayos de Economía Laboral: Empleo Juvenil e Instituciones en España". Universidad de Oviedo, 1999.
  3. Ramón María-Dolores: "Efectos Asimétricos de la Política Monetaria en España". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2000.
  4. Laura Mayoral: "Técnicas de Estimació y Contraste para Procesos Fraccionalmente Integrados". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (co-supervised with Jesús Gonzalo), 2001
  5. Victoria Osuna: "Regulación en el Mercado Laboral y Mecanismos de Ajuste del Empleo en las Empresas: Implicaciones Macroeconómicas". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2000 (co-supervised Víctor Rios-Rull), 2002.
  6. Antonio García Romero: " Ensayos sobre la evaluación de la investigación: Efectos de los programas predoctorales y postdoctorales" (co-supervised with Aurelia Modrego). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2002.
  7. María Teresa Blázquez: "Implicaciones del desajuste educativo: Teoría y evidencia para el caso español" (co-supervised with Barbara Petrongolo). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2003.   
  8. Cristina Fernández: " Essays on Labour Economics: Temporary Contracts, Job-Match Quality and Youth Transitions to the Labour Market" (co-supervised with Gilles Saint-Paul). Universitat Pompeu- Fabra,  2004. 
  9. Alfonso Arellano: " Tres Ensayos sobre evaluación de Políticas de Empleo en España" (co-supervised with Cesar Alonso-Borrego). Universidad Carlos III, 2005.
  10. Rodolfo Stucchi: " Essays on Firms´Productivity" (co-supervised with Alvaro Escribano). Universidad Carlos III,  2008.
  11. Raquel Vegas: " Three Essays on the Relative Outcomes of Minority Groups in the Spanish Labour Market", Universidad Carlos III, 2011.  
  12. Valery Charnavoki: " Essays on Business Cycles and Stabilization Policy in a Small Commodity-Exporting Economy", Universidad Carlos III,  2011.
  13. Liang Chen: "Essays on Factor Models" (co-supervised with Jesus  Gonzalo) . Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2013.
  14. Benedikt Kolb: "Three Essays in Monetary and Macro-prudential Policies" (co-supervised with Fabio Canova). European University Institute, 2017.
  15. Robert Goodhead: " Three Essays in Macroeconomics" (co-supervised with Peter.R. Hansen). European University Institute, 2018
  16. Dario Bonciani: " Uncertainty and the Macro-economy" (co-supervised with Evi Pappa), European University Institute, 2018.
  17. Andresa Lagerborg: " Essays on Macroeconomics" (co-supervised with Evi Pappa). European University Institute, 2018.
  18. Gabriela Galassi: "Essays in Labor Economics and Public Policy" (co-supervised with Arpad Abraham). European University Institute, 2018.
  19. Francesca  Loria: " Essays in Macroeconomics and Macroeconometrics" (co-supervised with Fabio Canova), European University Institute, 2018. 
  20. Riccardo Ciacci: “Essays on the Economics of Crime and Prostitution” (co-supervised with Andrea Ichino). European University Institute, Decembre 2018
  21. Matic Petricek: “Essays on Bank Behaviour and Financial Regulation” (co-supervised with Arpad Abraham), European University Institute,  2019.
  22. Matteo Gatti: “ Essays on Firm Behavior and Financial Regulation Policy” (co-supervised with Evi Pappa), European University Institute,  2019.
  23. Ana Moreno-Maldonado: " Essays on Gender and Urban Economics" (co-supervised with A. Abraham), European University Institute, 2020.
  24. Matthias Schmidtblaicher: " Essays on the Econometrics of Asset Pricing and Public Health" (co-supervised with Peter R. Hansen), European University Institute, 2020.
  25. Isabel Micó-Millan: "Essays in Household and Public Finance" (co-supervised with Evi Pappa), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2023.

      Seminars and Invited Keynote Speeches
  • SPANISH UNIVERSITIES : Alicante, Bilbao, Barcelona (UAB, UCB, UPF), Cemfi, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Zaragoza , Madrid (UCM, UAM, UCIII y Alcalá),  Univ. Menéndez Pelayo (Santander, Sevilla,Coruña y Barcelona).
  • FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Athens, Birmingham, Bocconi, Bonn, Boston University, Bocconi,  Bristol, Brussels, Cambridge, Durham, Essex, Harvard, Helsinki, Humboldt, Kent, Nova Lisbon, LSE, Marseille, McGill, Munich, NYU, Nottingham, Paris, QMUL, Southampton, Stockholm, UCL, Warwick, Zurich.
  • RESEARCH CENTERS: Banco de España, Bundesbank, Banque de France, Bank of England, Banca d´Italia, Banco de Portugal, Boston FRB, European Central Bank, Federal Bank of NY, OECD, IMF, World Bank, FEDEA, CEPREMAP, IGIER, Fundación BBVA.
  • INVITED CONFERENCES: UK ESRC Conference on Econometrics (York, 1987), UK Treasury Panel (Londres, 1987), European Meeting of the Econometric Society ( Copenhagen, 1987), Royal Economic Society Conference (Kent, 1995), NBER Macro Seminar (Boston, 1995), Encontro de Jovenes Investigadores en Economía (Santiago de Compostela, 1997) , European Economic Association (Istanbul, 1996, Santiago de Compostela, 1999 , Bolzano, 2000), Presidential Address Spanish Economic Association (Alicante, 2001), Invited Conference EALE (Sevilla, 2003), Invited Conference Annual Congress of the Finnish Economic Association (Kuopio, 2004), Conference on New Developments in Macroeconomic Modelling and Growth Dynamics (Faro, 2006), Brucchi-Luchino Conference on Labour Economics (Padova, 2006), Festival de Economia (Trento, 2007, 2016), European Commission (2010), Barcelona GSE (2010), SaM Annual Conference(2013), COSME (2017), EUI Workshop on Labour Economics (Florence, 2020), Workshop on Time Series Econometrics (Zaragoza, 2021), ECB Forum (Sintra 2021), Plenary Lecture Simposio de Análisis Económico (Barcelona, 2021), Workshop in Time Series Econometrics (Zaragoza, 2021), 75th Anniversary Banco de Portugal (Lisbon, 2022).

      Reports refereed
  • Investigaciones Económicas, Revista Española de Economía, Revista de Economía Aplicada, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, European Economic Review, Economica, Econometrica, American Economic Review, Annales d'Economie et Statistique, Empirical Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of the American Statistical Association, International Economic Review, Economic Policy, Econometric Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics.

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